What We Are Doing During Covid Crisis in Bamba

Cash Transfers – We began monthly transfers to women taking care of vulnerable children exactly four years ago, in November 2016. We believe that right now, during Covid-19 crisis, this is an effective way to support the extremely poor in Bamba. This way of assistance is currently being rolled out on a large scale in the slums of nearby Mombasa by UN’s World Food Program to avert Covid-19 related hunger, but marginalized rural areas like Bamba, where people are arguably worse off, are not covered.

Family Assistant – Our family assistant visits and checks up on all children and their families at least once a month and is available 24/7 for emergencies. This gives the vulnerable families extra peace of mind, that there is someone thinking of them and ready to act if sudden help is needed, such as transport to local health post, or to the city hospital.

Strengthening the Emergency Fund – Since the beginning of the pandemic, aware that over half of children’s carers that we support are elderly, we set to build up our modest Emergency Fund. As the cases rise again and livelihoods become threatened this is the time to prepare to support the vulnerable at short notice. Please contact us if you would like to help build up the Emergency Fund! Email rose.wanjala@bambaprogram.org