Motorcycle to Hospital Service for Children in Bamba

Motorcycle to Hospital

The children in Bamba’s villages must walk many miles to reach the nearest health post. For some of the children, who battle HIV and malnutrition it is a challenge they should not have to face. We therefore launched a Motorcycle to Hospital Service for the vulnerable children that we support in three villages in Bamba.

Now the carers can arrange for transport for vulnerable children, whenever they need to go for treatment and in emergency. Our drivers, Kazungu and Douglas, who are based in Bamba town, have a perfect knowledge of all village routes and no mud during the rainy season can stop them from reaching the children.

In past two weeks we have arranged for a transport of five children to the Bamba Sub-County Hospital. Big thanks to Kazungu, who was on the duty!

We are hoping that soon enough we will be able to extend the service to include more children and provide ambulance service to expectant mothers.